Zane Gillespie, D.M.A.

Zane Gillespie, a multifaceted figure in the realms of music and academia, holds various roles including Visiting Lecturer of Music at Arkansas Tech University, Ecumenical Director of Music at Little Rock Air Force Base, and Piano Instructor at Renown Music. Dr. Gillespie's contributions extend beyond his pedagogical pursuits; he is also a composer of contemporary classical music, with numerous works to his credit. Notably, his composition for woodwind quintet and fixed-media electronics entitled "Metanoia" (2021) has been published by Gusthold Music Publishers. Dr. Gillespie's academic endeavors reflect his commitment to scholarship and inquiry, evident through his published papers in esteemed peer-reviewed journals such as Technoetic Arts: A Journal of Speculative Research, Cybernetics & Human Knowing, College Music Symposium, and The Edgar Allan Poe Review. Moreover, he has played a pivotal role as the Executive Board Member for Music Theory of the Southern Chapter of The College Music Society from 2019 to 2021. Beyond his academic and musical pursuits, Dr. Gillespie's involvement extends to the literary domain, contributing the foreword to "The Night Watches" (2023), the second collection of poetry by Noumenist poet Jason Johnson. Currently, Dr. Gillespie is primarily focused on music composition.

Zane Gillespie, a multifaceted figure in the realms of music and academia, holds various roles including Visiting Lecturer of Music at Arkansas Tech University, Ecumenical Director of Music at Little Rock Air Force Base, and Piano Instructor at Renown Music. Dr. Gillespie's contributions extend beyond his pedagogical pursuits; he is also a composer of contemporary classical music, with numerous works to his credit. Notably, his composition for woodwind quintet and fixed-media electronics entitled "Metanoia" (2021) has been published by Gusthold Music Publishers. Dr. Gillespie's academic endeavors reflect his commitment to scholarship and inquiry, evident through his published papers in esteemed peer-reviewed journals such as Technoetic Arts: A Journal of Speculative Research, Cybernetics & Human Knowing, College Music Symposium, and The Edgar Allan Poe Review. Moreover, he has played a pivotal role as the Executive Board Member for Music Theory of the Southern Chapter of The College Music Society from 2019 to 2021. Beyond his academic and musical pursuits, Dr. Gillespie's involvement extends to the literary domain, contributing the foreword to "The Night Watches" (2023), the second collection of poetry by Noumenist poet Jason Johnson. Currently, Dr. Gillespie is primarily focused on music composition.


Renown Music Teachers